Admiring Me
I admire Bell Hooks She was fiercely intelligent, wise, creative, a writer known for truth and compassion, and an activist.
What are some qualities you admire in yourself? What are you cultivating?
We admire people who exhibit these traits: bravery and valor; the capacity to love/be loved; clear thinking and perspective; creativity and ingenuity; curiosity, openness, learning; engaged with people; fairness, justice, honesty; grateful, generous, sharing; kind, merciful, lets go of grudges; passionate, fun, humorous; teamwork, loyalty; wisdom, perspective; resilience, self-regulation; social intelligence; spirituality, purpose, faith; zest, enthusiasm, and energy.
Who do I admire? What values do they have? What did it take to do this?
“Putting yourself out there is hard, but it’s so worth it. I don’t think anyone who has ever spoken out, or stood up or had a brave moment, has regretted it. It’s empowering and confidence-building and inspiring. Not only to other people, but to yourself.” Megan Rapinoe
When have you been most inspired? What are the circumstances when you feel more alive during and after than when you went in?
It could be simple, like being in nature or meditating with friends. It could the inspiration of working toward what you believe with like minded people.
Unearthing Our Values, Bring Our Goodness to Light
I admire myself. Does that feel uncomfortable? It’s not bragging. No one is going to call you out on being “too big for your britches”. Sit with this question as you self-regulate then add some words. I admire myself for …
Courage Persistence Kindness Good boundaries …
Bring to mind some specific examples. How might you work with it to nourish and support yourself?
Now when I feel hurt, I wrap myself in a soft blanket. I listen to a guided relaxation and tune into my body and how I feel. I breathe. Relax. Self-regulate.
Once I’ve done that, I’ll sense into what’s next. Maybe I postpone work and go for a walk. Call a friend. Listen to music I love. When I feel better, I make a plan for how to work with that situation when it happens again.
I admire myself for not giving up on myself. For resting and regulating and standing down the inner critic and conditioning. I am worthy of love and a life of happiness and connection. I can keep an open heart. Even as I work with this, I admire myself.
What comes up for you when you take in these phrases? Listening to our verbal and nonverbal response can illuminate where we need to work.
I am worthy of esteem and dignity, respect, and admiration
I don’t have to change or fix myself to be worthy.
I can see my mistakes clearly because I know they are not me. I am not bad.
I have done something unskillful, I see it, and I am still lovable and worthy of esteem.
There is a dignity in knowing ourselves and being on our own side. Like all of us, we have been conditioned with toxic shame and an inner critic and we can stand that down.
I am not desperate for other people’s approval because I know and value and esteem myself.
I no longer have to go along with something against my principles to avoid being kicked out of the group.
It is okay for me to let go of people who don’t excite and inspire me to open up room for those who do. As we evolve and grow, we attract other people who are kind, intelligent, fun, and interesting. We grow together.
Grow with us in Sunday free community class. We inquire, share and inspire each other. Click here for details.