Member-only story
Women are rewarded for being nice. It means always putting the needs of others ahead of us (then we are shamed for being weak and codependent).

Agreeableness includes trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and prosocial behaviors like cooperation, helpfulness, and attuned empathy. It seems simple on the surface. Who wouldn’t want to be more agreeable and prosocial?
Traits of people high in agreeableness: interested in and cares about others, feels empathy, enjoys contributing to happiness of others, helpful.
Traits of people low in agreeableness: takes little interest in others, doesn’t care about how others feel, little interest in other people’s problems, insults and belittles others, manipulates others to get what they want.
Our “personality traits” are highly influenced by how we are conditioned and our trauma history. Women are rewarded for being nice, another word for agreeable. It means always putting the needs of others ahead of us (then we are shamed for being weak and codependent).
In this culture, we reward men who are assertive, seeing them as strong leaders. We punish women who are aggressive, seeing them as selfish and hostile. Part of homophobia and transphobia is hatred and scorn for men who are soft and…