Member-only story
Can I Trust You?
Can I trust you with my body?

Can I trust you with my body? Will you hurt me? Will I be safe?
Can I trust you with my heart? Are you mean at times, or are you reliably kind?
Can I trust you to not betray my confidences? To not gossip about me?
Will you have my back and stand up for me? Will you care about me?
Will you turn on me when you’re in fight response? Will you run away?
Do you feel & show contempt for me?
Can I be honest and authentic with you? Do you “get me”?
Can we relax and have fun together?
This week in our Sunday community class, we are exploring trusting others.
Shame plays a role — it limits our capacity to risk authenticity for fear of being abandoned. We are vulnerable to other people’s unreliable attachment styles and dysregulated nervous systems, and we think it is only about us. We take it personally when often it is not.
We both long for and are wary of close, trusted connection. It is both scary and thrilling. What does my nervous system reaction have to say? Do I go into fight/ flight/ freeze/ fawn around you? Can we co-regulate together into a felt sense of trust, calm and excitement to be with each other?