Member-only story
Giving Back
The experience of feeling connected and valued feels wonderful!

The experience of feeling connected and valued feels wonderful! The experience of feeling socially isolated and left out — not so much! It feels sad and threatening. My sense is that part of the benefit of giving to others is that it puts our own story in perspective and experience that we have something valuable to contribute.
There is good science on the benefits of connection. Brigham Young Study. As human beings, we have a survival level need to belong. When our experience in life has left us with social anxiety and fear of being hurt, we naturally pull back to protect ourselves. This leads to further isolation. We aren’t being hurt but we are missing opportunities to experience the benefits of reaching out and connecting with other people.
In my experience, when I give to others, I receive amazing gifts. I volunteer to guide a daily, free, online meditation group. I look forward to this half hour every morning and to opening the Zoom meeting to see people’s names and faces. Many are familiar and some are new to me. We have formed a group, a safe place to share an experience of depth and knowing ourselves. Because I made a commitment, I show up every single day for a half hour breathing, relaxation and inquiry. This is also a blessing in my own meditation…